Greensboro Health Disparities Collaborative Presentations
Cleo Samuel, Jennifer Schaal, O. Mbah, W. Elkins, Linda Robertson, Stephanie Baker, Kristin Black, Crystal Dixon, Katrina Ellis, Eugenia Eng, Fatima Guerrab, L. Jordan, Alexandra Lightfoot, Neda Padilla, Christina Yongue, Sam Cykert
Racial and Educational Differences in Symptom Burden and Supportive Care among Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
American Association for Cancer Research Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. Poster Presentation
November 2018
Racial and Educational Differences in Symptom Burden and Supportive Care among Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
American Association for Cancer Research Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. Poster Presentation
November 2018
Cleo Samuel, Jennifer Schaal, O. Mbah, Eugenia Eng, Linda Robertson, Stephanie Baker, Kristin Black, Crystal Dixon, Katrina Ellis, Fatima Guerrab, L. Jordan, Alexandra Lightfoot, Sam Cykert
Examining the role of perceived respect on racial disparities in cancer-related pain
American Association for Cancer Research Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. Poster Presentation
November 2018
Examining the role of perceived respect on racial disparities in cancer-related pain
American Association for Cancer Research Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. Poster Presentation
November 2018
Stephanie Baker and Jennifer Schaal
Institutional Approaches to Health Disparity Case Study from the Greensboro Health Disparities Collaborative using a Racial Equity Lens At the 6th Annual Department of Physician Assistant Studies Underserved Populations Symposium: Diversity and Cultural Competency in Health Care at Elon University October 25, 2018 |
Crystal Dixon, Fatima Guerrab, Nora Jones Organizing for Racial Health Equity Focusing on Social Determinants of Health Conference September 2018 |
Christina Yongue, Jada Walker, Kari Thatcher
Taking Measurable Actions for Health Equity
2018 Results for Health Conference in Asheville, NC
May 16-18, 2018.
Taking Measurable Actions for Health Equity
2018 Results for Health Conference in Asheville, NC
May 16-18, 2018.
Various Collaborative Members
Our Lunch Counter Moment for Health Disparities Co Hosted with The International Civil Rights Center & Museum May 4, 2018 |
Fatima Guerrab, Crystal Dixon, Antoinette Moore, Claire Morse, Amanda Kotey, Alexandra Lightfoot, Linda Robertson, Beth Smith, Eugenia Eng
Boosting Cancer Treatment Completion of Black Patients at a Cancer Center in NC Using ACCURE Nurse Navigators
NCI Geographical Management of Cancer Health Disparities Programs (GMaP) Region 1-South 2nd Annual Cancer Health Disparities Research Symposium
Friday, March 9, 2018
Boosting Cancer Treatment Completion of Black Patients at a Cancer Center in NC Using ACCURE Nurse Navigators
NCI Geographical Management of Cancer Health Disparities Programs (GMaP) Region 1-South 2nd Annual Cancer Health Disparities Research Symposium
Friday, March 9, 2018
Laura Vail, Nora Jones, Sam Cykert Aligning Diversity and Inclusion, Community Engagement, Business Operations and Population Health Efforts to Achieve Equity Webinar for the American Hospital Association December 13, 2017 |
Nora Jones (Moderator)
Know thyself as a gatekeeper: Applying an anti-racism framework for equity in cancer care APHA 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo November 7, 2017 |
Eugenia Eng, Jennifer Schaal, Kristin Black, Samuel Cykert, Katrina Ellis, Deena Hayes, Skip Hislop, Nora Jones, Alexandra Lightfoot, Terence Muhammad, Neda Padilla, Cleo Samuel, Linda Robertson, Beth Smith, Kari Thatcher, Christina Yongue, Fatima Guerrab
Building a CBPR partnership grounded in an anti-racism framework to address inequities in cancer care outcomes through system change APHA 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo November 7, 2017 |
Kristin Black, Alexandra Lightfoot, Jennifer Schaal, Mary Mouw, Christina Yongue, Cleo Samuel, Yanica Faustin, Barbara Akins, Stephanie Baker White, Alison Hilton, Janet Jeon, Lilli Mann, Linda Robertson, Kristen Werner, Michael Yonas, Eugenia Eng
It’s like you don’t have a roadmap really: Using an antiracism framework to analyze patients’ encounters in the cancer system APHA 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo November 7, 2017 |
Linda Robertson, Alexandra Lightfoot, Stephanie Baker White, Kristin Black, Brian Cass, Samuel Cykert, Crystal Dixon, Eugenia Eng, Karen Foley, Chris Goettsch, Fatima Guerrab, Christina Yongue, Skip Hislop, Amanda Kotey, Claire Morse, Antoinette Moore, Jennifer Schaal, Beth Smith
Innovations in Nurse Navigation to Advance Health Equity in Cancer Care: Leveraging Race-Conscious Communication Strategies and Race-Specific Informatics APHA 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo November 7, 2017 |
Alexandra Lightfoot, Nora Jones, Cleo Samuel, Kristin Black, Samuel Cykert, Katrina Ellis, Eugenia Eng, Karen Foley, Fatima Guerrab, Christina Yongue, Jemeia Kollie, Claire Morse, Lyn Robertson, Jennifer Schaal, Beth Smith
Building New Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Partnerships using the CBPR Charrette Model: Lessons from the Cancer Health Accountability for Managing Pain and Symptoms (CHAMPS) Study APHA 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo November 7, 2017 |
GK Kollie, Jennifer Schaal, L. Robertson, Christina Yongue, Eugenia Eng, Fatima Guerrab, Nora Jones, Kristin Black, Katrina Ellis, Amanda Kotey, D. Edwards, O. Mbah, J. Broadus, Cleo Samuel
Evaluating Racial Differences in Patient-Provider Decision Making Regarding Treatment-Related Symptom Management to Advance Supportive Cancer Care MASCC Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer, Washington, DC June 2017 |
Cleo Samuel, Jennifer Schaal, L. Robertson, Eugenia Eng, GK Kollie, Christina Yongue, K. Foley, Beth Smith, MK Yee, Kristin Black, Katrina Ellis, Lucretia Hoffman, Claire Morse, Neda Padilla, Samuel Cykert
Assessing Equity in Patient-Provider Communication Regarding Treatment-Related Symptoms and HRQOL among Breast Cancer Survivors MASCC Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer, Washington, DC June 2017 |
Sam Cykert, Nora Jones
ACCURE: A System-Based Intervention to Address Disparities in the Treatment of Early Stage Breast and Lung Cancer The MD Anderson Cancer Center May 19, 2017 |
Jemeia Kollie, Jennifer Schaal, L. Robertson, Samuel Cykert, Eugenia Eng, Fatima Guerrab, Nora Jones, Kristin Black, Katrina Ellis, Amanda Kotey, D. Edwards, O. Mbah, J. Broadus, Cleo Samuel
Using community-based participatory research to assess racial differences in patient-provider decision making regarding treatment-related symptom management 38th Annual Minority Health Conference - Systems of Power: Recalling Our Past, Restructuring Our Future, Chapel Hill, NC February 2017 |
Geni Eng, Jennifer Schaal, Beth Smith
Accountability for Cancer Care Through Undoing Racism & Equity (ACCURE) Telehealth RN/AH Lecture at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center December 14, 2016 |
Katrina Ellis, Jennifer Schaal, Stephanie Baker, Kristin Z. Black, Carol Cothern, Kia Davis, Kay Doost, Eugenia Eng, Christina Goettsch, Fatima Guerrab, Christina Hardy, Alexandra Lightfoot, Neda Padilla, Cleo A. Samuel
A System Change and Community Based Participatory Research Approach to Understanding the Role of Informal Social Networks During the Cancer Care Journey Ninth AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved Sept. 25-28, 2016 |
Christina Yongue
A Case Study: ACCURE Community Academic Grants Administration Translation (CAGAT) Initiative Webinar Series May 2016 |
Jennifer Schaal, Christina Yongue
Healthcare Equity Education and Training (HEET): An antiracism initiative for enhancing accountability for cancer care The 67th SOPHE Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC March 30 - April 1, 2016 |
Neda Padilla, Christina Yongue
Cultural Humility
The NC Central Partners Research Fellows, Durham, NC.
March 2016
Cultural Humility
The NC Central Partners Research Fellows, Durham, NC.
March 2016
J. Steed, Stephanie Baker White, Eugenia Eng, Christina Goettsch, Alexandra Lightfoot, Christina Yongue Hardy
Identifying Barriers to Care: Using The Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Approach To Qualitative Analysis Of Coding Cancer Navigator “Real Time“ Communications 2015 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. November 11-14, 2015 |
Various Collaborative Members
Healthcare Equity Education Training: Informing diversity and inclusion policy at cancer centers Online program for the American Public Health Association November 4, 2015 |
Eugenia Eng, Jennifer Schaal
Improving Cancer Care through Undoing Racism and Promoting Equity 2015 Summer Institute in Community Based Participatory Research for Health: Indigenous and Critical Methodologies May 28, 2015 |
Christina Hardy, Beth Smith, Nora Jones, Youland Williams
How a CBPR partnership developed capacity to implement systems-interventions within medical centers: Organizing co-learning and trust among partners while addressing racial equity in cancer outcomes APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition. November 2014 |
Sam Cykert, Deena Hayes-Greene, D. Heron, Jennifer Schaal
Health Equity Training University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA October 22, 2014 |
Eugenia Eng, Sam Cykert
Accountability for Cancer Care Through Undoing Racism and Equity (ACCURE) (1R01CA150980-01A1) Webinar for National Cancer Institute staff. Members were invited to present at a cyber-seminar series featuring presentations from grantees whose work demonstrates the importance of communication in cancer care. The Institute was particularly interested in this project because of our focus on health disparities. The primary audience for this webinar was the Health Communication & Informatics Research Branch and the Process of Care Branch of the National Cancer Institute. September 10, 2014 |
Eugenia Eng, Jennifer Schaal
Necessary Conflicts and Contradictions for Change: How to Build Equity and Community Engagement into a Specific Research Project Mekong River Delta Research Group Conference - Community Based Participatory Research, Exploring Directions for Research in the Mekong Region, Phnom Penh, Cambodia August 6-8, 2014 |
Eugenia Eng, M. Jackson, Alexandra Lightfoot, Jennifer Schaal
CBPR Community-Based Participatory Research - Practical Tools and Structures
The 11th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, Chapel Hill, NC
July 28-29, 2014
CBPR Community-Based Participatory Research - Practical Tools and Structures
The 11th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, Chapel Hill, NC
July 28-29, 2014
Eugenia Eng, Jennifer Schaal
New Directions in Health Disparities Research Keynote Address at Center for Integrative Approaches to Health Disparities CIAHD-JHS Symposium for Junior Investigators on Perspectives on Epigenetics Research and the CBPR Approach, Detroit, MI May 14-16, 2014 |
M. DeMarco, Eugenia Eng, Alexandra Lightfoot, Jennifer Schaal
The 4 P's: Guidelines for Publishing Peer-Reviewed Publications with Community Partners Seminar for Skills and Practices in Engaged Scholarship Consortium at UNC Chapel Hill March 21, 2014 |
Sam Cykert, L. Robertson, B. Raines, Christina Hardy, Eugenia Eng, Z. Gizlice, S. Hislop, Nora Jones
Using health information technology as a tool for systems change and racial equity in cancer care: Phase I of ACCURE Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association Boston, MA November, 4 2013 |
Alexandra Lightfoot, Christina Hardy, Nora Jones, Jennifer Schaal, Eugenia Eng, Sam Cykert, Robert Aronson, A. Elliot, S. Hislop, D. Harris, D. LaMotte, Terence Muhammad, L. Robertson, Michael Yonas, P. Carter, A. Briggs
Collaborating to address medical systems changes in cancer care with community initiation and accountability Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA November 2013 |
Sam Cykert
A Multi-Pronged Intervention to Reduce Cancer Treatment Disparities: Catching Up With ACCURE University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA October 23, 2014 |
Eugenia Eng, Jennifer Schaal Specific Research Projects: How to Build Partnership into a Specific Project Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute Conference, “Forming Sustainable Partnerships: Hopkins and Baltimore in the 21st Century” Baltimore, MD October 16, 2013 |
Eugenia Eng, Nora Jones
Addressing Health Inequity through Transparency and Accountability 2013 National Caucus on Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Health Disparities, Washington, DC September, 2013 |
Eugenia Eng, Alexandra Lightfoot, M. Jackson, Jennifer Schaal
Community-Based Paticipatory Research: Practical Tools and Structures
A two-day course at the 10th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, Chapel Hill, NC
July 2013
Community-Based Paticipatory Research: Practical Tools and Structures
A two-day course at the 10th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, Chapel Hill, NC
July 2013
Christina Hardy, Alexandra Lightfoot, J. Jean Baptiste, A. Ammerman, Kristin Black, Nettie Coad, B. Council, G. Corbie Smith, M. DeMarco, D. Ellis, A. Ellison, Eugenia Eng, D. Caldwell, B. Harris, B. Jackson, B. Jones, N. Jones, W. Kearney, M. Legerton, T. Locklear, M. Muhammad, N. Muhammad, D. Parker, F. Siman, M. Wynn
CBPR Charrettes: A problem-solving approach for community academic partnerships
Annual Minority Health Conference, Gillings School of Global Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC
February 2012
CBPR Charrettes: A problem-solving approach for community academic partnerships
Annual Minority Health Conference, Gillings School of Global Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC
February 2012
Christina Hardy, Alexandra Lightfoot, A. Ammerman, Nettie Coad, B. Council, G. Corbie Smith, M. DeMarco, D. Ellis, A. Ellison, Eugenia Eng, D. Caldwell, B. Harris, M. Jackson, B. Jones, N. Jones, W. Kearney, M. Legerton, T. Locklear, M. Muhammad, N. Muhammad, D. Parker, F. Siman, M. Wynn
Community leadership to build capacity for CBPR: An innovative model for advancing equity in research partnerships Annual Meeting of APHA, Washington, DC October 2011 |
Christina Hardy, Nettie Coad, Donna Biederman, Nora Jones, Jennifer Schaal, Eugenia Eng, Turner Wiley
Asserting the right to health: CBPR as a vehicle to promote racial health and health care equity Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver. CO November 8, 2010 Listen to a MP3 recording of the presentation - Listen Here View & Listen to a multimedia version of the presentation (additional software download may be required) - View Here |
Donna Biederman, Nora Jones, Jennifer Schaal, Christina Hardy, Eugenia Eng, Nettie Coad, and Turner Wiley
A community-academic-medical partnership's view of racial justice forms at the crossroads of institutions' view of diversity and community engagement Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO November 8, 2010 |
Eugenia Eng, Nettie Coad Community Competence and Systems Change: Partners or Odd Couple for Eliminating Health Inequities NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Lecture Series, Bethesda, MD June 2010 |
Eugenia Eng, Christina Yongue Hardy
Cancer Care and Racial Equity Study: Interpreting findings and getting to outcomes with patients, their medical care providers and communities Translational Research to Address Health Disparities Across the Lifespan Symposium of the UNC Translational Research and Clinical Sciences Institute, Chapel Hill, NC March 2010 |
Malika Roman Isler, Tiffni Williamson Canty, Brandolyn White, Deborah Young, Molly De Marco, Sam Cykert, Nettie Coad, Kay Doost, Jennifer Schaal, Alicea Lieberman, Giselle Corbie-Smith
Community Based Research Infrastructure: An Exemplar of Community Engagement
Poster presented at the 30th Annual Minority Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC
February 27, 2009
Community Based Research Infrastructure: An Exemplar of Community Engagement
Poster presented at the 30th Annual Minority Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC
February 27, 2009
Michael Yonas, Nora Jones, Nettie Coad, Eugenia Eng, Christina Hardy, Jennifer Schaal, M. Amell, D. Mohottige, Robert Aronson, Brandolyn White
The Cancer Care and Racial Equity Study (CCARES): An Innovative Community and Academic Model for Investigating Disparities in Systems of Breast Cancer Care
National Health Disparities Summit, National Marina, MD
December 2008
The Cancer Care and Racial Equity Study (CCARES): An Innovative Community and Academic Model for Investigating Disparities in Systems of Breast Cancer Care
National Health Disparities Summit, National Marina, MD
December 2008
Christina Hardy, Jennifer Schaal, Michael Yonas, Eugenia Eng, Brandolyn White, Nettie Coad, Robert Aronson, Dinushika Mohottige, Kimberly Russell
Critical Incident Technique Interview: An innovative CBPR method for amplifying the voices of women on the breast cancer care Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA October 27, 2008 |
Eugenia Eng, K. Russell, Jennifer Schaal, Michael Yonas, J. Amell, Christina Hardy
Complexities, nuances, and mechanics of breast cancer care: Getting to systems change and racial disparities in breast cancer outcomes Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA October 27, 2008 |
Michael Yonas, Eugenia Eng, Christina Hardy, Dinushika Mohottige, Nettie Coad, Nora Jones, Jennifer Schaal, Jim Amell, Robert Aronson, Brandolyn White
Cancer Care and Racial Equity Study (CCARES): An innovative community and academic model for investigating disparities in systems of breast cancer care American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA October 27, 2008 |
Eugenia Eng, Nettie Coad
The Art and Science of Integrating the Principles of Community-Based Participatory Research and Undoing Racism Training
Minority Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC
February 2008
The Art and Science of Integrating the Principles of Community-Based Participatory Research and Undoing Racism Training
Minority Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC
February 2008
GHDC and The Moses Cone-Wesley Long Community Health Foundation presented a Stakeholder Reception to strengthen relationships with various persons and organizations connected with CCARES
November 2006
November 2006
Sam Cykert
Breast Cancer Disparities
Thomas Wolff Symposium
November 2006
Breast Cancer Disparities
Thomas Wolff Symposium
November 2006
Nettie Coad, Nora Jones
Community Based Participatory Research
Graduate class in the UNC School of Public Health in Chapel Hill, NC
October 2006
Community Based Participatory Research
Graduate class in the UNC School of Public Health in Chapel Hill, NC
October 2006
The Partnership Project, The Greensboro Health Disparities Collaborative, The Greensboro AHEC and the UNC Program of Ethnicity, Culture and Health Outcomes (ECHO) sponsored a program titled "Accessing Equitable Healthcare" that featured Ms. Barbara Major as the guest speaker. The program was held at The Women's Hospital in Greensboro, NC
January 2006
January 2006
Nora Jones and Michael Yonas presented at the International Conference on Urban Health in Toronto, Canada.
November 2005
November 2005